The best known Common Law Trademarks

It is difficult to identify the “best known” common law trademarks, as common law trademarks are not formally registered and there is no comprehensive list of all common law trademarks. However, some examples of common law trademarks that may be widely known and recognized by consumers could include:

  1. Google: The search engine company has not registered the Google trademark with the USPTO, but has established common law rights in the mark through its extensive use in commerce.
  2. Nike Swoosh: The Nike Swoosh logo is not registered with the USPTO, but has become one of the most recognizable trademarks in the world through the company’s widespread use of the mark on its products and in advertising.
  3. Apple: The tech giant has not registered the Apple trademark with the USPTO, but has established common law rights in the mark through its extensive use in commerce.
  4. Coca-Cola: The iconic beverage company has not registered the Coca-Cola trademark with the USPTO, but has established common law rights in the mark through its extensive use in commerce.
  5. Amazon: The online retail giant has not registered the Amazon trademark with the USPTO, but has established common law rights in the mark through its extensive use in commerce.

It is worth noting that while these companies have established common law trademarks, they may also have registered their marks with the USPTO or with trademark offices in other countries, in addition to establishing common law rights.